Friday, March 28, 2025
[vc_tta_tabs][vc_tta_section title=”About ASCOJA” tab_id=”1524213507699-0e68491a-1e34″]

(ASEAN Council of Japan Alumni)

In 1974, the office of Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs invited representatives of former students from ASEAN countries who had studied in Japan for a reunion meeting in Tokyo. In 1976, at the third annual re-union meeting of it kinds, it was proposed to establish an organization of Japan alumni of ASEAN countries with the aim of fostering international exchange amongst former ASEAN students and Japan.

In January 1977, a three-men Philippine delegations sponsored by Philippines-Japan Societies made a tour to meet the Japan Graduate Alumni Society in each ASEAN member country, laying the groundwork for formation of such a regional organization. Consequently, on 25 March 1977, the Protocol of Intent to Organize was signed in Singapore by delegates representing the Japan Alumni of 5 ASEAN countries namely, The Association of Indonesia Alumni from Japan (PERSADA), the Japan Graduates’ Association of Malaysia (JAGAM), the Japanese University Graduates Association of Singapore (JUGAS), the Old Japan Students’ Association, Thailand, Under the Patronage of His Majesty the King (OJSAT) and the Philippine Federation of Japan Alumni (PHILFEJA).

In June 1977, after several days of meeting in Manila of representatives of the 5 Alumni Associations, the ASEAN Council of Japan Alumni (ASCOJA) was officially inaugurated at the Philippine International Convention Centre as a non-profit and non-governmental organization.

Currently ASCOJA is the Federation of 10 Japan Alumni organizations, later on joining by 5 new ASEAN member countries, they are;

1. Association of Indonesia Alumni from Japan (PERSADA)

2. Japan Graduates’ Association of Malaysia (JAGAM)

3. Japan University Graduates Association of Singapore (JUGAS)

4. Old Japan Students’ Association, Kingdom of Thailand (under the Patronage of His Majesty the King (OJSAT)

5. Philippines Federation of Japan Alumni (PHILFEJA)

6. Brunei Association of Japan Alumni (BAJA)

7. Myanmar Association of Japan Alumni (MAJA)

8. Japan Alumni of Cambodia (JAC)

9. Japan Alumni of Vietnam (JAV)

10. Japan Alumni of Laos (JAOL)

Objectives of ASCOJA

1. To serve as a centre for continuing exchange of information and experience among the member associations on matters of common concern.
2. To undertake worthwhile projects designed to foster closer ties among the member associations for the improvement of their common cultural and material interest.
3. To coordinate the various projects and activities of the different member associations in order to ensure their successful implementation.
4. To establish working relationships among business, professional, social and civic organizations in member-associations and neighbors.
5. To strive towards the promotion of friendship and prosperity in ASEAN in close cooperation with other countries and among the member-associations and neighbors.
6. To foster close study of cultures that promote an Asian orientation in the education of ASEAN youth.

The Developments

Since 1974, the Japanese Government has played an important role in supporting and stewarding the Alumni Associations of former ASEAN students from Japan in numerous ways such as inviting them for an annual re-union meeting in Japan, funding the activities of ASCOJA including provide scholarships for the children of members of the Alumni Associations to study in Japan (in order to serve the Association after return). With the support of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Asia Japan Alumni International (ASJA) was launched in April 2000 aiming to assist international students, primarily those from ASEAN countries, offering them opportunities to experience Japanese culture for scholarship recipients. In addition, the Foreign Ministry of Japan has facilitated the activities of ASCOJA in sending their junior members for summer camp in Japan. For their part, ASCOJA members association receive youth exchange and the study tour groups from Japan, develop program for them including home-stay to foster friendship and cultural understanding between visitors and the host families.

With the good ties developed over the years , and deep attachment to Japan, most Japan alumni, regard Japan as their second home. Thus when Japan meets with critical issue like the March great tsunami, all Japan alumni Chapters in ASEAN have expressed their grave concern and feeling this disaster as affecting to them and their home accordingly. They were actively launched donation campaigns to assist the victims in Japan. Some of them joined volunteer team to assist the victims at the site. Similarly, their Japanese counterparts were actively display a bond of solidarity in the events that disaster occurred in its neighbor countries. The recent worst flood in Thailand was a clear evident that the Japanese both private and Government sectors were the most active group to provide immediate relief assistance, rescue team and cash contribution to the victims in Thailand.

It has to mention that as of today, over 82,000 individuals (comprising some 26,000 university graduates and 56,000 former research students) from ASEAN have studied in Japan, they returned home and scattering all around ASEAN region. They have become important human resources that have greatly contributed to their national developments with knowledge obtained from their studies in Japan. Several of them are holding important positions in both public and private sectors that have created well being and improved the quality of life of the population in their countries.

An extremely encouraging development of the long history of cooperation and assistants received from ASJA to ASCOJA is not only building good friendship between people of ASEAN and Japan, it also contributed to a closer relationship among members of ASCOJA countries.

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Chapter’s Full Name: Old Japan Students’ Association, Kingdom of  Thailand    ( タイ王国元日本留学生協会 ) (Abbreviation: OJSAT)
Establishment’s Date: 24 February 1951
Number of Members:  3,273  (as of June 2013)
Office’s Address: 408 Phaholyothin Place Building, 16th Floor room 408/65 Phaholyothin Avenue, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400 Thailand.
Tel: (66) 2357-1241-5
Fax:(66) 2357-1246
Email: [email protected]

ASCOJA Membership: Since  25 March 1977
ASCOJA Governor: Full Name  Dr. Samran Chooduangngern  (May 2013-April 2015)
Hosted ASCOJA Conferences:  1979, 1989, 1999, 2012

ASJA Membership: Since … (2001)
ASJA Directors: Full Name  Dr. Samran Chooduangngern  (April 2014 – March 2016)
ASJA Chairman: Full Name  Dr. Samran Chooduangngern  2015 – 2016)

  1. Current Managing Board(from 2015-2017)
No. Name Position University
1 Dr.Samran Chooduangngern President Hitotsubashi University
2 Mr.Navarat Laekhakula VP, Finance,Tradition and Culture Doshisha University
3 Mr.Natachai Rochanasmita VP, Member Relations, Sports and Recreation Gokkusai Tanki Daigaku
4 Assoc.Prof.Dr.Prakit Tangtisanon VP, Organization and Human Resource Development Tokai University
5 Asst.Prof.Dr.Tangon Munjaiton VP, Academic Affairs Hitotsubashi University
6 Ms.Bhusdee Navavichit VP, Special Projects and Activities Soka University
7 Mr.Suparchai Tobhibul Secretary General Asia University
8 Dr.Varesa Chuwattanakul Deputy S-G & Registrar Osaka University
9 Mr.Suthee Panaworn Treasurer Hitotsubashi University
10 Mr.Niti Wirudchawong Public Relations Yokohama National University
11 Assoc.Prof.Pranee Jongsutjarittam Ex.Com, Director of Japanese Language School Tsukuba University
12 Assoc.Prof.Dr.Mangkorn Rodprapakorn Ex.Com, Educational Events Kyushu University
13 Dr.Surawut Chuangchote Ex.Com, International Affairs Kyoto University
14 Asst.Prof.Sermsuk Thiensoonthorn Ex.Com, Arts and Cultural Affairs Tokyo Gakugei University
15 Asst.Prof.Dr.Datchakorn Tancharoen Ex.Com, External Relations and Technology University of Tokyo
16 Asst.Prof.Dr.Aikkarach Kettawan Ex.Com, Net-working Promotion and Development Kobe Gakuin University
17 Mr.Bundit Pradistanuwong Ex.Com, Organization Communications and Publication Kobe University
18 Mr.Apitch Ruxpaitoon Ex.Com, Member Relations and Welfare Tokyo University of Agri.and Technology
19 Mr.Pichakorn Akharamethathiti Ex.Com, Member Recreation and Entertainment
  1. General Description:
    OJSAT, as a non-profit organization, has five basic objectives:
    1. To Promote unity and  prosperity among its members;
    2. To contribute to the society through its various activities and undertaking;
    3. To promote study of Japanese language and cultural exchanges between the Japanese and the Thais;
    4. To promote mutual understanding and good relations between Thailand and Japan; and
    5. To promote the solidarity and the prosperity of Japan’s alumni association in ASEAN.

To accomplish the objectives, OJSAT carries out a wide range of activities under the management and leadership of the Executive Committee comprising 19 members, including the President. These Committee members are all the former Japan alumni. They are elected and nominated in every two years by General Meeting.   In addition, a group of distinguished and senior alumni will be invited to serve the Association and the Committee in capacity of advisors.  Several Sub-Committees are also set up to assist the Committee members to perform their functions.

  1. Main Activities:
    As the number of OJSAT members grows, projects and activities of the Association increase and are diversified.
    Currently, the projects/activities can be grouped into at least five major categories as following:
    – Members Services;
    – Japanese Language School, and Educational Services and Cooperation;
    – Publications, Academic and Seminars;
    – Social, Artistic and Cultural Activities; and
    – International Exchanges and Relations.

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Board of Governors

Title Name Affiliation
Chair-person Mr. Philip B. Sanvictores President of Philippine Federation of Japan Alumni (PHILFEJA)
Governor Prof. Dr. Ir. Tineke Mandang Vice President of Association of Indonesian Alumni from Japan (PERSADA)
Governor Dr. Ooi Chee Keong President of Japan Graduates’ Association of Malaysia (JAGAM)
Governor Dr.Samran Chooduangngern President of Old Japan Students’Association,Thailand (OJSAT)
Governor Mr. Tan Kay Guan President of Japanese University Graduates Association of Singapore (JUGAS)
Governor Prof. Si Si Shein President of Myanmar Association of Japan Alumni (MAJA)
Governor Dr. Vuthy Monyrath President of Japan Alumni of Cambodia (JAC)
Governor Dr. Ngo Minh Thuy President of Japan Alumni of Vietnam (JAV)
Governor Ms. Bouasone Vongthavone President of Japan Alumni of Laos (JAOL)
Governor Mr. Chin Wei Keh President of Brunei Assoication of Japan Alumni (BAJA)


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List of ASCOJA Conferences

No Date Host Chairman Venue Theme
Inaugural 8 – 12 Jun 1977 PHILFEJA Leocadiode Asis Manila, Philippines
2 27- 30 Jun 1978 PERSADA Hasan Rahaya Jakarta, Indonesia
3 31 Oct – 5 Nov 1979 OJSAT Bonchitra Katerainak Bangkok, Thailand Toward a more meaningful ASCOJA
4 21 – 25 Jan 1981 PHILFEJA Leocadiode Asis Manila, Philippines
5 23 – 26 Sep 1983 JAGAM Raja Dato Nong Chik Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Look East
6 26 – 27 Jul 1985 JUGAS Fan kai Chang Singapore ASEAN – Japan relationship towards the 21st century
7 27 – 29 Aug 1987 PERSADA Kusnaeni Jakarta, Indonesia Japan and ASEAN in the next decade
8 30 Sep – 3 Oct 1989 OJSAT Phaisith Phipatanakul Bangkok, Thailand Strengthening ASCOJA in the nineties
9 27 Feb – 3 Mar 1991 PHILFEJA Diampo J. Lim Manila, Philippines
10 29 Apr – 3 May 1993 JAGAM Tan Ping Chang Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Solidarity Via ASCOJA
11 28 Sep – 1 Oct 1995 JUGAS Chin Siew Gim Singapore Kokoro to kokoro
12 18 – 20 Sep 1997 PERSADA Jhi. Mamuaya Jakarta, Indonesia Heart to heart
13 24 – 27 Nov 1999 OJSAT Mongkol Tanjapatkul Bangkok, Thailand ASCOJA in the 21st century
14 17 – 22 Jul 2001 PHILFEJA Albert A. Zenarosa Manila, Philippines ASCOJA – ASJA: a dynamic partnership in the 21st century
15 25 – 28 Sep 2003 JAGAM Dato Dr. K.L. Siow Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Future co-operation between ASEAN and Japan
16 8 – 10 Sep 2005 JUGAS Lai Kim Fatt Singapore ASEAN – Japan partnership scaling new heights & riding new challenges
17 5 – 7 Sep 2007 PERSADA Ismardji Hadisumarto Jakarta, Indonesia Integrated and community based waste management
18 5 – 7 Nov 2009 MAJA Prof. Dr.AungKyaw Yangon, Myanmar Bridging Japan and ASEAN countries through better education
19 24 – 26 Feb 2012 OJSAT Admiral Wirach Wijarn Bangkok, Thailand ASCOJA in the next decade: Toward the Emerging Issues and Opportunities
20 6 – 8 Sep 2013 JAV Nguyen Ngoc Binh Hanoi, Vietnam ASCOJA Towards the Cooperation and Development of ASEAN & JAPAN
21 2 – 4 Oct 2015 PHILFEJA Philip B.Sanvictores Manila, Philippines ASCOJA in an Integrated ASEAN
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Hosted Chapter: Old Japan Students’Association (OJSA)

Incumbent President: Mr Boonchitra Katerainak

Date: 31 October – 5 November 1979

Venue: Bangkok and Pattaya, Thailand

Number of Participants: Total approx. 200 persons

Participated Chapters and Organizations

(Abbreviated names): JAGAM, JUGAS, PERSADA and  PHILFEJA


  1. Conference Theme:

Toward a more meaningful ASCOJA


  1. VIP Guests:
  • H.E. Mr Shigetami Sunada, Former Minister of Education, Japan
  • Director Akimasa Mitsuta, Ministry of Education, Japan
  • Mr Morihisa Aoki, Chief, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan
  • Ambassador Jose S. Laurel III, Philippines
  • Police Lt. General Prachuab Kiratibutr,  Former President, OJSAT
  • Raja Dato Nong Chik, Governor, JAGAM
  • Mr Tan Yu Hot, Governor, JUGAS
  • Mr Leocadio de Asis, Governor, PHILFEJA
  • Mr Hasan Rahaya, Governor, PERSADA


  1. Main Contents, Activities, Conclusions:

The 3rd meeting of ASCOJA was still a small Annual Conference although the reunion was getting livelier and the number of participants was increasing. Nearly 50 delegates from all the member chapters gathered to discuss the future of ASCOJA activity-modules and new projects with possible assistance from Japan.  The Board of Governors chaired then by Mr Boonchitra Katerainak of Thailand submitted a private letter to H.E. Mr Takeo Fukuda, Former Prime Minister, requesting him to form an ASCOJA supporting committee in Japan, the inception point of the Japan Solidarity Committee for Asian Alumni (JASCAA).   As another important outcome of the Conference, H.E. Mr Sunao Sonoda, Japan Foreign Minister, was made “ASCOJA Honorary Member”.  Since then, ASCOJA was on the move towards a more meaningful organization of all  Moto Nippon Ryugakkusei in ASEAN.




Hosted Chapter: Old Japan Students’Association, Thailand (OJSAT)

Incumbent President: Prof.Dr.Phaisith Phipatanakul

Date: 30 September – 3 October 1989

Venue: Bangkok, Thailand

Number of Participants: Total 250 plus persons

Participated Chapters and Organizations

(abbreviated names ): JAGAM, JUGAS, PERSADA, PHILFEJA and JASCAA


  1. Conference Theme   

Strengthening ASCOJA in the nineties


  1. VIP Guests (from the hosted country, from Japan, etc.):
  • H.E. Mr Bhichai Rattakul, Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand
  • H.E. Mr Hisahiko Okazaki, Japanese Ambassador to Thailand
  • H.E. Dr Prida Kanasut, Former Minister of Agriculture, Thailand
  • Ambassador Kuniyoshi Date, President of JASCAA
  • Ms. Emiko Kaneko, Secretary General of JASCAA
  • Governors from : JAGAM, JUGAS, PERSADA and PHILFEJA Chapters


  1. Main Contents, Activities, Conclusions:


Following the main theme of the Conference, all the five Chapter members prepared technical papers to reflect their respective views on new situation  and hence, possible roles/tasks of ASCOJA in the last decade towards 2000.  Presentations were made principally by respective head delegates or their designated representatives.  One of the most significant achievements was the holding of a dialogue between ASCOJA and JASCAA, its counterpart in Japan, which was taken place towards the end of the Conference, to discuss and exchange views on cooperation programs, including scholarships and fellowship at different levels.  Among the ASCOJA member chapters, it was also decided that so-called ASCOJA Junior Program be organized annually, by rotation of host chapters starting from OJSAT, then, PHILFEJA, etc.  Most importantly, by the unanimous resolution of the Conference, H.E. Mr Takeo Fukuda was granted with the Grand Award -The Man of ASCOJA-.




Hosted Chapter : Old Japan Students’ Association,  Thailand (OJSAT)

Incumbent President : Dr.Mongkol Tanjapatkul

Date: 24th – 27th November 1999

Venue: Radisson Hotel, Bangkok Thailand

Number of Participants: Total 210

Participated Chapters and Organizations

(abbreviated name) : JAGAM, JUGAS,PHILFEJA, PERSADA, Myanmar, Vietnam,

Embassy of Japan in Bangkok, Ministry of  Foreign Affairs (MOFA) and Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture (Thailand)


  1. Conference Theme: 

ASCOJA in the 21st Century

  1. VIP Guests :
  • H.E.Mr.Nobutoshi Akao, Japanese Ambassador to Thailand
  • Dr.Thanong Bidaya, President, Thai Military Bank, Co., Ltd.
  • Dr.Chitriya Pinthong, Deputy Director-General, Dept. of ASEAN Affairs, MOFA
  • Mr. JHL Mamuaya, Chairman of ASCOJA
  • Governors from  JAGAM, JUGAS, PERSADA and PHILFEJA Chapters


  1. Main Contents, Activities, Conclusions:
  • To comply with the main theme of the conference, participants discussed various issues and emphasized the importance of close communications and cooperation among ASCOJA chapters in the coming years.  Also, they shared a common view that the same be pursued with Japanese counterparts to enhance educational and cultural exchanges and, strengthen economic and IT development in the region.
  • For reasons, it was rearranged in such a manner that ASCOJA Chairman for a designated period be the same person as the Incumbent President of the chapter agreed to host the subsequent bi-annual ASCOJA Conferences, i.e., starting from the 14thASCOJA Conference in Philippines.


  • Based partly on the deliberations at this Conference, a new organization named “Asia Japan Alumni International (ASJA International)” was established in place of JASCAA, with the Office located in Japan. Its administrative board comprises of one representative (Director) from each ASCOJA member-chapter and two from Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  Among others, its main objective was to arrange to provide annually scholarships to students from ASEAN through ASCOJA chapters.



The Old Japan Students’ Association, Thailand (OJSAT)

Date: 24-26 February 2012

Incumbent President: Admiral Wirach Wijarn

Venue: Imperial Queen’s Park Hotel, Bangkok

Number of Participants: Total 172

Participated Chapters and Organizations


  1. Conference Theme:

ASCOJA in the Next Decade : Toward the Emerging Issues and Opportunities

  1. VIP Guests:
  • Thanong Bidaya, Former 3-time Minister in the Royal Thai Government
  • E. Mr Yongyuth Vichaidit, Deputy Prime Minister, Thailand
  • E. Seiji Kojima, Ambassador of Japan to the Kingdom of Thailand
  • Takashi Tajima, Director of ASJA International, Japan
  • Governors from BAJA, JAC, JAGAM, JAV, JUGAS, MAJA, PERSADA, PHILFEJA and JAOL Chapters
  1. Main Contents, Activities, Conclusions:


Towards the Conference objectives, the meeting discussed and expressed concerns over the discontinuation of ASJA which originally, was supposed to be in effect by end of March 2013. Important discussions covered challenges over ASCOJA activities under such the situation, taking into account also the emerging ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) which is scheduled to take place in 2015. To mention a few, while building up of business competitiveness in AEC-Japan context was urged for the business circle, ASCOJANs were recommended to consider establishing ASCOJA Facebook and related net-workings by utilizing the advantage of currently available information technology. Other outcome included the endorsement of Japan Alumni of Laos (JAOL) to be the l0th and last member Chapter of ASCOJA, marking the full ASCOJA-10 with alumni associations in all the 10 ASEAN member countries. The ASCOJA- BY-LAW was then amended to reflect the organizational change and related matters.  Most importantly, H.E. Mr Yasuo Fukuda, a long-standing supporter of ASCOJA movement and affairs in Japan, was granted with “ASCOJA Award”.


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